Application Fee Waivers
Need-based fee waiver
If you qualify for a need-based waiver, this will be automatically applied to your application, thus removing the need to submit payment information. See below for the list of eligible programs you must participate in to qualify:
- ACT/SAT fee waiver status
- Federal Free/Reduced Lunch Program
- KC Scholars
- A Federal TRIO program
- Educational Opportunity Center
- Student Support Services
- Talent Search
- Upward Bound
- Upward Bound Math & Science
- 20/20 Leadership Program
- Expanding College Opportunities Program
- Project Discovery

Military fee waiver
If you are a U.S. veteran or active duty member of the U.S. Armed Services, you are eligible for a military fee waiver. If you qualify for a military fee waiver, this will be automatically applied to your application. You will not need to submit separate payment information outside of your application.
Note: This option will only be available if you list your military experience.
To verify your veteran or military status, submit a copy of one of the following forms:
- A copy of your orders
- Joint Services Transcript (JST)
- DD214
Send forms by email to, fax to 785-864-5017, or mail to this address:
Office of Admissions
1502 Building
1502 Iowa St.
Lawrence, KS 66045-7598